

Derek Havens / CFL2


   CrossFit Affiliate Co-Owner

​   CrossFit L2

   CrossFit Spot the Flaw

   CrossFit Scaling

   CrossFit Judges

   CrossFit TNG Pregnant & Postpartum 

   Certified Fitness Trainer (ISSA)

About Derek

Take ordinary people and make them extraordinarily strong.

Turning Point

I was an avid sports enthusiast throughout my youth playing baseball, basketball, running track & swimming in the Gasconade. After high school I joined the military and served for 24 years with the Missouri Army National Guard and retired November 2021 at the rank of Master Sergeant . During that time I was deployed twice, once to Baghdad, Iraq and the other to the Sinai Peninsula sandwiched between Egypt and Israel. It was there in the Sinai that I found my love for Crossfit and HIIT. Upon returning from the Sinai deployment it did not take long and AK HIIT was born.

Born out of a necessity and community responsibility.

As I looked around I noticed a trend. People were just tired and out of shape. They needed a place to go get sweaty - burn off some stress - and leave fitter and better functioning humans. AK HIIT opened in 2013 and quickly word caught on.  January of 2021 we decided it was time to bring CrossFit to Westphalia and house in under the same roof in our new facility.  

Motivation & Passion

My Passion and Motivation stems from helping someone drop the word "can't" from their vocabulary.

We humans are remarkable creatures and are capable of so much. I love seeing someone do something they once thought was impossible. The smile on their face when they complete the task is all I need to see to know that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. Helping people become better version of themselves.


Abby Havens / CFL2


CrossFit Affiliate Co-Owner

Crossfit L2

CrossFit L1

CrossFit Weightlifting

CrossFit Spot the Flaw

CrossFit Judges

CrossFit Coaching Fundamentals

CrossFit Lesson Planning

CrossFit Scaling

About Abby

Helping people feel better physically and realizing that their only roadblock is themselves; is the best job EVER!

Turning Point

I was out of shape! All through high school I was active in softball & basketball and as time passed and two kids later I realized I was tired & out of shape. I found sanity in working out, it gave me "ME" time! I finally decided that focusing on me made me a better mom. I found my first love of "HIIT workouts" during that time and have since found another love with CrossFit there is nothing like having a barbell in hand and working off the frustrations of the day.

Motivation & Passion

My Passion is helping and watching others find their love of fitness and become or stay healthy. Being able to move functionally throughout life is so important as the world is truly stacked against us!

My motivation is watching people achieve this and seeing the look on their faces and in their eyes when they realize they can do something they never thought they would or could!  There is no place I would rather be! In front of a class motivating and coaching or holding a barbell in my hands is that place! 


Brittany Brune / CFL1


CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

CrossFit Kids

CrossFit Judges

I began my fitness journey in 2012 with Jillian Michaels and Beachbody videos…. I owned consistency… but I always felt as if something was missing… little did I know, I wasn’t being pushed to my full potential.

In 2018, AK HIIT’s new location was built in Westphalia. I had never been a gym member in my life, never touched a kettlebell or jumped on a box, and CrossFit was never part of my plan. I walked in the door and my life forever changed… As I kept showing up day after day, I gained strength and confidence. I gained a family of like-minded individuals which included a TON of accountability. I also gained Coaches that pushed me past SO many comfort zones and believed in me long before I believed in myself.

As the years passed, my passion for the methodology of CrossFit and its lifelong health benefits grew substantially. I began to understand the importance of movement and how to move with PURPOSE. I was reaping the benefits myself and I wanted nothing more than to share and lead others to their own success. I wanted to push others to understand what I didn’t know when I started: “You are your only limit.”

In 2023 we began the CrossFit Kids program at CrossFit Westphalia. Children are our future and I believe the earlier we teach them about health and fitness the more likely they are to carry those healthy habits with them throughout adulthood.

In conclusion, I enjoy watching the determination and growth of athletes over time. The look of pride when someone accomplishes a movement they worked weeks, months or even years to achieve… seeing the confidence and positive mindset shifts. No matter the level of fitness, I love to see athletes striving to be better than yesterday in all that they do, not just in the gym. Healthy habits bleed into the rest of your daily lives.

More about Brittany

In an effort to create a welcoming invitation to join the AK HIIT family, Brittany assists with social media strategies, content ideation, promoting the brand and advertising the opportunity of making a healthy lifestyle change.


Casey Bruce / CFL1


CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

CrossFit Weightlifting L1

CrossFit Judges

CrossFit Nutrition

The thrill of competing and pushing myself was something I missed.

Then one day, I gave my friends gym a try, they  offered group fitness classes, AK HIIT. I decided to give it a try, thinking it would be a fun way to stay active and meet new people. Little did I know, this would completely change my perspective on fitness.

I walked into my first class feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. The instructor welcomed me with a smile and introduced me to the other participants. The energy in the room was contagious, and I immediately felt a sense of belonging.

The class started, and we went through a series of exercises that challenged every part of my body. It was tough, but I loved every moment of it. The supportive atmosphere and the motivation from the instructor and my fellow classmates pushed me to give my all.

As weeks turned into months, I began to notice changes in my body and overall fitness. I was getting stronger, leaner, and more confident. But more importantly, I was having fun. I looked forward to every class, eager to see what new challenges awaited me.

Being part of a team, even in a group fitness setting, reignited my passion for sports. I loved the camaraderie, the friendly competition, and the shared goals. It reminded me of the joy I felt when I played team sports in high school.

Inspired by my experience, I decided to pursue a CrossFit not only as an athlete but as a Coach. I became a Level 1Trainer and started teaching group fitness classes at AK BIIT and CF Westphalia. Coaching others and helping them achieve their fitness goals gave me a sense of fulfillment I had never experienced before.

Today, I continue to lead an active lifestyle, but now it's not just about the physical benefits. It's about the sense of community, the personal growth, and the sheer enjoyment of moving my body. I've learned that fitness is not just a means to an end, but a lifelong journey that can bring immense joy and fulfillment.

So, if you're someone who loves being active but is looking for a change or something more, I encourage you to step outside your comfort zone. Try new activities, join a group fitness class, or seek out a community of like-minded individuals. You never know how it might transform your perspective and bring a whole new level of satisfaction to your fitness journey. 

Leslie berhorst / cfl1


CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

CrossFit Kids

CrossFit Judges

Fitness and an active lifestyle have always been important to me. As I got further away from the high school days, I missed the camaraderie that many years of playing competitive sports offered. CrossFit Westphalia/AK HIIT provided an opportunity to fill that void and lit a FIRE!

CrossFit has pushed me outside my comfort zone over and over again, encouraged me to grow mentally and physically, reminded me how important it is to never fear failure, and quickly turned into one of my biggest passions. Movement really is medicine - essential for a strong and healthy mind and body. Did I mention the people?! The most amazing group of supportive, like-minded individuals…these people are truly like family.

The personal growth I’ve experienced since joining AK HIIT/CrossFit Westphalia, the mental toughness and believing in myself (not just inside the gym), is what I'm most proud of. I want to authentically inspire and motivate people of all ages to do the same - to believe in themselves, see failure as an opportunity to grow and learn, and to find out what their bodies and minds are truly capable of. The journey may not always be easy, but it will be always worth it.

Being active is such an important part of the healthy lifestyle I strive to maintain. I always want to be able to keep up with my two active kids and set a healthy and positive example for them. I love that our CrossFit Kids class provides the younger generation an opportunity to participate and see firsthand what CrossFit is all about - strong bodies, strong minds!